Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Best of Today: Money, Love, Future, and everything in between.

Have you ever seen a twenty dollar bill lying on the ground while walking with a girl on which you were spotted by a another girl that dumped you while she was walking with a man that pisses her off everyday last year while you are feeling lucky for you are thinking about that and also thinking about the college that is inviting you for a private meeting to talk about the nursing course that in which you were found late but they made a recognition just for you and also, having a nice hot noodlesoup? Whooah! What a rush eh? But let me divide the sentence and add more into it, shall we?

By God in Heaven! I did find a bill lying on the ground today. But it was just a one dollar bill though. Why so lucky? Because of the fact that It was so crazy cold outside and the warm noodles only costs a dollar bill. Right at that moment, when I saw that bill on the ground, I remembered that I only have twenty-one bucks in my wallet. Two ten dollar bill and a dollar bill. Why me being descriptive? Well, it is because of the fact that I use pace bus rather than the school bus that an ordinary and also extraordinary student would use everyday. I cannot use my ten dollar bill to pay the pacebus! What a rip off for God's sake! I use a dollar to pay the bus because they don't give change. Finding that dollar bill lying on the ground made my stomach happy, and the Pacebus driver happy too. But let us go back before that.

GYM! Three letter odd word that doesn't have any vowels. What a strange word.  Well nothing really happened there today rather than pumping irons in my biceps and other muscle naming Holabalu! Other classes are like this too. But the best stuff happens while walking toward another class.

Well, yeah, good stuff happens while you are walking on the hallway greeting friends and old friends. But, the most interesting thing that can happen to you is to see that specific girl that dumped you last year. I'm so sorry Mr. Pineapple, but, you can't walk on the hallways and you only reproduce by the help of the farmers and other nature thing. You can't get dumped you know- except if you IS finish eaten.

Well the story started last year. She was a girl and I was a boy, well, anotomically obvious, but she was more than that. Have you ever felt that THAT special someone only makes her special for she has/had something special inside her? She had that. I do not know what it was and sadly, I cannot remember. She was a cheery young lady that made my day happy. A motivation. That was what I thought of her. We were inseperable. We always walked the same path like it was magic. I always had that feeling that she likes me. God I was wrong. It was embarassing, I felt like she likes me and me liking her, but no, she was oblivious. So I was like thinking of telling her that I like her, no, I love her. The day came that I felt that I was ready. She dumped me. HAHA! What a dumbass huh? I am sorry.

Today, I was walking with a girl that is kind of close to me. We got stuck in a traffic in the hallway when she came near us, iritated by the guy walking next to her. Her face was not like the bundle of joy that was once I saw. I don't know what to say. When she saw us, I saw a shocking feeling in her face. It was like jeolous, I guess. I don't know what to say, but my mind said that it's payback. But why mind? Why? She did not do anything. I did the wrong thing. This moment is about love, it is part of "Best of Today" because, I felt that my heart has a different mind of it's own. I don't know. Maybe because that I got my revenge. But at the same time, it was not her fault. It was not her fault.

The last thing that happened to me today was THE BEST. Last monday, I just found out that the admission for nursing was already done during the summer of 2010. I was shocked. I don't know what/how to tell it to my parents. My dad would totally kill me. I decided to talk to my counselor for an advice. Well she was busy. There was this line of students waiting for her to finish her work with her counseling with another student. I met some guys. Talked about future, how big should the bathroom is, and how long will it take for Pamela Anderson to realize that she has AIDS and she is old. Yup, crazy stuff. Well, thanks for craziness, time flew by and I suddenly noticed that I was next. I greeted her, sat in front to her, and I talked. "Can you help me?" The first sentence that I said. I explained to her everything, the nursing, the admission, the parents that will get angry, etc. I took the admission paper that was within my bag and showed it to her. She said that we will call an admissioner for the nursing program. It wasn't there. So she just left a message to the admissioner and told me that she will call me in tuesday for the response.

Tuesday came. I just finished my quiz in Physics...

...OH MY GOD! Quit disturbing me random pictures! It is not helping my grade you know? Well, she called me out and I was thinking about what she was going to tell me. I listened. She said that the admissioner wants to talk to me and invite me to the nursing program next week. I was so happy that I don't know what to say; but a simple thank you.

Every day is special. But like what I heard, "Today is the most special day of your life." I will never forget those words and how they are arranged. I guess everyday has it's mark in history huh? Specially today.

Random video of the day

close your eyes and remember...

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