Monday, October 18, 2010

Metacognition: QE essay

The first day that Mr. Allen assigned us the QE essay, I did nothing. I said to myself that "It will be fine", yup, that is one of the thousands of excuses inside my tedious brain. A tedious brain indeed. Yes, like what I wrote before in my first metacognotion blog, I wrote that I need inspiration to write; then I found a loop hole. The weakness, the kryptonite of Super Man, the ghosts in Pacman, and the STAIRS of professor magneto, The distractions around me.

I know that I wrote in my first metacognition how to handle the distractions around me. I also said that once I start writing, the ideas will start to flow and flow and flow until the paper was over. But sadly during the writing of my first QE, God! nothing came my head. Not even a darn thing. Every time I sat in front of the computer, a whisper comes along and says "What 'ya gonna do now? Big boy", weird huh? That was just an expression, people might think I'm CRAZY! WAHAHAHAHA! No I am not. See? I did it again, I got distracted and started writing this unnecessary words, but I guess their a bit relevant to what I am writing. Of course this is the second paragraph, and I am not just writing words to make this paragraph long, I am just writing sentences to express what I am thinking right now, for example, the test in "The Shadow Catcher" on Friday. Moving on.

I set QE aside for some days and, without notice, the due date started to peak behind my back. Then the day before the due date came. Yes some of the words were written, but it was still incomplete. And on top of that, I had a quiz and homeworks that were due in the due date. I hustled everything, I was disappointed to myself.

And then the second QE came. I don't want to get anybody to get mad but, when the second QE came, I felt like I slipped into the deepest circle of hell, I am not kidding...

... WoohOh no, Kanye, Imma finish what I wanted to say. Ahem, let me explain, during that week, I have to review for the test in Math, which I got 85% not bad, I guess. In Physics I had five, yes, five web assigns that were due after a week, but what week? during that week, of course, and after that week, we have a test; which I also have to study. Next, I had another web assign during that week too, but it was in Chemistry, and like Physics I have to study for a test too at the due date of the web assigns. I am not going to talk about Political Science for I had a test too in that week, but I forgot what day that was. Also we had to finish a chapter in "The Shadow Catcher". And ALSO, I had to take care of my brothers and sister for my mom was at work, and my dad comes home at 9pm after he sends my mom to her work(I don't blame them because it always happens every day, but the chores? Oh God). I traveled through the 9 circles of hell during that week. It's tough to be Dante. What a coincidence that was, putting all those in just a week. I have a feeling that THAT will happen again.

I manage to finish my second QE. Not the grade that I was expecting, but glad that's over, and the others. Happily, it was great that we could revise it. Fun week as it was, the A grades that I wanted did not show up. But nothing can stop this guy. Why can't I be Eratosthenes?

The last QE was pretty quick. I finished it in a day for I had no homework, no quiz, no test, and no distractions. YES, no distractions is what I wrote. I wrote it like a snap. SNAP, SNAP, SNAP, SNAP, SNAP, done. It was nice, writing without worries. If I have one wish, I wish that WE THE PEOPLE (and animals) could live in a stress free world.

Random picture of the day

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