Thursday, October 14, 2010

QE III: return (not part of blogging, but why not post it?)

A simple question lead me to think into different ways that I could not even imagine. Questions like that comes ones in a lifetime, I guess. Because of that question It reminded me of the good times that I had with my friends when I was a kid. The neat thing is, is that the question made me think of my past, how creative and imaginative I was. And how creative and imaginative I wasn't. That's not all, the questions led me also to the stories that I read in class (or at home for homework) and reminded me how nice the stories were. Such as the story of Mr. Feynman and his colleages. How smart he was how people loved his work and ideas through creativity. Ideas that alot of people were blown away. The questions also led me to the story that we are reading today. How Clara and Edward fell in love with each other, how good Edward was with photography, and how imaginative and creative Marry Wiggins was with the way she has written the book itself. Many ideas came into my head, many thanks to that question.

I am so glad that I am in school and being educated. I mean a lot of people does not have good education in some places in this big round mudball we call earth. People who are poor, weak, uneducated in the first place, sad as it is, it is real. Now that I know education very well, I will now not take it for granted.I will persue it, take it, put it into a jar, preserve it or show it to people that I know. The question gave me a way or an alliby to love school, to be more passionate, to be more creative and imaginative in the reality that tomorrow would bring, my future. Now that I know that eductaion do more than what I thought it could do, I shall walk on the road of education, grab souvenirs from Imagination and Creativity city, and take it with me; keep it for the next generation.

So, what roles does education play in creativity and imagination? Well, to make it short, alot. Thousand and thousands of ideas, ideas that can lead to creative and imagination. Studying arts, literature, cultures, music, videos, pictures, science, english, math, and any single thing you could think comes from the process of education. The beauty and wonders starts with an idea from education..

To end my hardship, enjoynment, or like Mr. Feynman says it "FUN". I would now love to study more- not because I am forced to do it, but because I know the benefits it would give to me- and think more of the things that I take for granted here in school.  Therefore I would appreciate what my teachers give me and go along with it, for education gives more than assignment but more, and more, and more.

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