Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Shallows (Juggler's Brain, On the Bouyancyof IQ scores, The Church of Googles)

Google founders (Larry Page, Sergey Brin & me) 
In the reading, it talks about how we read a book versus the way we read (skim) on the articles in the Net- In the book, we read in a traditional way (deep reading) in a line pattern, but, when we read an article in the Net we read in an F pattern, reading from left to right then looks down. It also talks about the Hyperlinks and how it distracts us when we are reading an article for we tend to “curiously” tap on that link to , well, learn more stuff, but, it takes us away from our reading.  In the Google chapter, it has blown me away when just these two ambitious guys started to make something out of something, and with that, they wanted to change the world by making the world’s biggest library or center of ideas. But, the best part is when they were trying to make the world’s first A.I. which is another big leap for mankind (that’s two now, well that’s three, the other one was when I was born).
“’The ultimate search engine is something as smart as people- or smarter’” (172) is one of the quotes in the book that gives us a mental glimpse of what the 22nd century looks like (I bet).  Google is going to set another leap to the future as they are/might make the first ever real live A.I. to whom we could converse with,  to play with (maybe some green thoughts), and specially to take over the stuff that we don’t like to be in (family reunions, I guess). The good thing about it is that, we can now extend our scientific intelligence by putting these A.I. to places that we cannot be (e.g.  Mars, Ocean depths, volcanoes, places where man has not stepped on). Well it’s not just about science you know, we can have a social interaction with them and may replace dogs as Man’s (woman’s) best friend. As Fusoya in Final Fantasy 4 says it “Light casts darkness…” what I mean is that there are bad stuff that might happen when we have this A.I. running around the streets. They might have an attitude and could hurt people, If they ran out of batteries, short circuits, they may take over our jobs,  or they might even take over the world- But I guess that those things may not happen, if we are careful.

Video of the Blog

where does google go to when they need to know something?



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