Sunday, January 30, 2011

It matters: "The King of Egypt"

"There can be miracles when you believe..."

Open your computer, television, radio, and you eyes! A revolution is happening right around the corner, and you should be concerned. The first time that I heard the news was in the class. The news about the Egyptian people trying to take down the king and changing the rules. It is time for change and time to challenge the status quo!

A lot of people are trying to break off the government under Hosni Mubarak. But first things first, who the heck is Hosni Mubarak. His real name is Muḥammad Ḥusnī Sayyid Mubārak, Hosni Mubarak for short. He was born in May 4 1928, currently the President of Egypt, and the 4th person to become the President of Egypt. What else, oh, people also tried to assassinate this guys for six times! Six freaking times! But why? Well maybe because he has been sitting there for thirty years, so the Egyptians stood up to change the president and start new government. But HOW? by the power of Internet. By using different social networking sites, people manage to bring up people and make a stance against the government. It wasn't easy though, it was a long process but it was all worth it.

Then comes the day when the revolution start. It started with few people rallying around the area, then came hundreds, then thousands, and before the night peaked in there were more. The police are trying to keep them in order, but they are starting to fail. People around the world starts to recognize the problem that is happening there. So what? Well, if the Egyptian government starts to crumble down, then the other nations in the middle east that are having the same problem might stand up too- changing the government. Whoa, what a wake up call huh?

But I have a feeling that there will be another problem that is lurking around the corner- The increase of Terrorism or War. Let me explain; Barrack Obama is helping the people in Egypt to change their government right? So there will/might be two things that would happen to America if the Government or some people in Egypt get pissed to our interference to them. First, If the people lose against their government, then they might shift their anger to America because America might have not given sufficient help ti change their country. It will lead to terrorism if that would happen. The Second one is a big BIG problem, WAR that might lead to World War three. The American government is helping the rebels right? What does the Egyptian Government thinks about that huh? They are PISSED OFF! American Government shouldn't be interfering them (But there must be some American citizen in Egypt, so I guess we have our reasons) they should be minding their own business. So if the Egyptian Government destroys the rebels, then they might fight fight America for helping the rebels. Then If that happens, then it would be a great opportunity for China, Russia, North Korea, and other communist country to destroy the The Great Pinnacle of Democracy! But there is a small chance that THAT might happen. Of course the Egyptian Government has to rebuilt their country and maybe move on, or DEFEAT AMERICA AND DESTROY THE WORLD! NUCLEAR WAR RULES!! I keed.

But for me, I guess freedom is the best thing that a person could ever have. A freedom that no one can ever be touch. A freedom for you and for me. I hope for the best to what will ever happens to Egypt and Godspeed.

Random video of the day

I guess there is...

Opening picture-
When you believe-

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