Sunday, May 29, 2011

Mashup: ART

     The products of human creativity

If music be the food of love, play on.

      When that I was and little tiny boy
        With hey, ho, the wind and the rain,
      A foolish thing was but a toy,
         For the rain it raineth every day.

     But when I came to man's estate,
        With hey, ho, the wind and the rain,
     'Gainst knaves and thieves men shut their gate,
        For the rain it raineth every day.

     But when I came, alas, to wive,
        With hey, ho, the wind and the rain,
     By swaggering could I never thrive,
        For the rain it raineth every day.

     But when I came unto my beds,
        With hey, ho, the wind and the rain,
     With tosspots still had drunken heads,
        For the rain it reaineth every day.

     A great while ago the world begun,
        [With] hey, ho, the wind and the rain,
     But that's all one, our play is done,
        And we'll strive to please you every day.
Being an artist means: not numbering and counting, but ripening like a tree, which doesn't force its sap, and stands confidently in the storms of spring, not afraid that afterward summer may not come. It does come. But it comes only to those who are patient, who are there as if eternity lay before them, so unconcernedly silent and vast. I learn it every day of my life, learn it with pain I am grateful for: patience is everything!

So, dear sir, Ican't give you any advice but this: to go into yourself and see how deep the place is from which your life flows; at its source you will find the answer to the question of wether you must create.

     "Yes, but the theater of the Baroque period was more than an art from. It was the most commonly employed symbol of the time."

     "A symbol of what?"

     "Of life, Sophie. I don't know  how many time during the seventeenth century it was said that 'Life is a theater.'..."

In this world, artists are joyous. Unpredictablility is the life of their paintings, their music, their novels. They delight in events not forecasted, happenings without explanation, retrospective.


Art Inspires everything around us. It inspires the writer to write their inner most thinking, writing the unthinkable, the impressive, the future and the past. From that, it inspires other people too. Engineers use the inspiration of art to make breath-taking buildings of the future. Musicians use inspiration to make love songs, rock, and other genres that may inspire other people. Even the cavemen use the art of nature to draw beautiful painting with their tools with spectacular disbelief. It’s the inspiration that help art and our future to be brighter.



Art evolves in various ways, taking one idea to another and to even greater heights. Back to the original writers of this harmonious poetries and scholastic painters, most of them wishes if their very piece can be seen further to the future, which they were. The evolution of art is one of the things that really make the very first people to be recognized today and maybe further to the future.

 Art is life. It is one of the very meanings of life, our existence. It is art that makes us, for the artistic way of nature shaped us to fit in this very society and makes us more beautiful and brighter as we were before. The art of life is beautiful, but most of us take it for granted, a shameful truth that stabs the heart of the heart of many. We only have a hundred year, maybe, in this world, but I am glad I turned out to be one of the people who stop and appreciate what we have and loving it day after day.

Works Cited:
1.) Twelfth Night 1.1.1 Orsino (7)
2.) Twelfth Night 5.1.412 Fool (187)
3.) Letters to a young poet (24)
4.) Letters to a young poet (9) 
5.) Sophie's World (225)
6.) Einstein's dream (31)


10.) my paragraph


Sunday, May 8, 2011

An Inconvinient truth: Red Blue and Yellow

Life is Colorful

Ever since I was a kid, a kindergarten I suppose, the teachers around me taught me that the three primary color of, well, colors were Red, Blue, and, Yellow. I grew up knowing that. It really makes sense though that If you add Yellow and Blue you will get Green; Yellow and Red will get Orange; Red and Blue will get Violet. Everything were all good until we learned about Lights and Pigments in Physics.

Now I am no Artist but I believe deep inside my heart that RYB are the three primary colors I tell you what. Because of that assumption I had a little argument with my Physics teacher, and in that day I had learned something that changed my point of view. She said that Red, Blue, and Yellow WERE the primary colors, then I was like"huh?". She said that Scientifically, Magenta, Yellow, and Cyan are the real color pigments combination. I was like NO FREAKING WAY! I did not ask more for the Internet would provide. I checked it out in Google and found out that it was Isaac Newton who was the guy who first invented the color wheel chart. I found out that "Newton published a color wheel to show the geometric relationship between these primaries" (Wikipedia) but Newton was "unaware of the differences between additive and subtractive color mixing"(Wikipedia), so his kind of wrong.

Then I learned more, Light has another primary color too! She taught us that the three primary colors of light were  Red, Green, and Blue. Because of that, I was like "OH! that's is why when I check out the contrast in the TV it says RED BLUE and GREEN!". Further more, I learned that the presence of all light is White and the absence of lights is Black for I thought once that they were in their own colors. Also, we can combine the Primary Light colors to Primary Pigments! WOAH!! FREAKING AWESOME!! I don't know why I get excited with colors but just wow. Let me give you a couple of example. Magenta (Blue and Red) light is combined with Yellow (Red and Green) pigment gives Red for Yellow pigment absorbs Blue and there is no Green. Magenta (Blue and Red) light is combined with Cyan (Blue and Green) pigment gives Blue for Cyan pigment absorbs Red and there is no Blue.

Physics is Fun. Yes, the calculation part is as hard as HELL and the Labs are as enjoyable as HEAVEN. This Senior year I am taking Chem and Physics cause I came in this school late forcing me to take Bio in Junior year. Well I don't have to take Physics though but I want to feel the feeling what a Physics student can feel, and it was a great run. Do I have regrets for the ups and downs in Physics? No, having a great teacher, awesome class, and awesome Labs is like living in a moment. I only have a few days left but I have the feeling that the Primary Colors of my life is just getting started.

Random Video of the day

Relaxing is colorful to me.


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Blogging around

The Internet map

Drifting on the ocean... Just drifting.

Joe's Blog

Even though that was short (as if you were trying) connecting the dots is one of the thing about the class that has given me or us a big impact toward the advancement of our human brain along with the others such as adjacent possible, TED, challenging the status quo, big claims, and more. All of the things that we have learn in this class has really changed me and probably you. Our perception around the things around us has now increased in such a level that it would have made our ancestors proud, if they are still alive though. Connecting the dots is an awesome idea. I hope that once we all walk out from this school, this idea and others, not just the things that we learned in humanities, will stay intact to our brain and lead us to our bright future. And if you, Joe, would have an offspring, I hope that you will show him or her the things that has helped us through the years.

Addie's Blog

Your back and forth conversation with Mr. Allen was pretty amusing. I had the same thought as you when that question showed up. I mean, that question was like asking me "which came first? The Chicken or The Egg" kind of thing. But when one focus on the background of the question, one might notice that people are starting to be more dependent to the computer as the computer becomes more advance. It feels like the biological human brain and the mechanical computer are proportional. If one increases the other decreases. Although that thought is scary, the people around us starts to unravel the way they think as if the computer is programing us! We want everything fast now. Human perception toward this kind of question will say that humans programed the computer for the fact that the computer will not be born if there was no human. But like I said, If we look upon the big picture around us, we are now so dependent to the computer that our brain might not function very well without the presence of it. I know that the absence of the computer will affect me in some various ways. But who programs who? That might be a challenge for our 21st century thinkers, which is us.

Random Video of the day

Explore music lie this guys.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Best of the Week: One step

Had one of this bad boys back then?

It was friday, FRIDAY, I went down on friday coming home with a surprise. I came inside the house feeling that it was just going to be another usual friday afternoon when suddenly, I saw a laptop on the top of the billiard pool. I was like WOOOAH! giggity. It was slick, thin, black, and beautiful. I did not know what to tell my parents, but none the less, I was thankful. I opened the laptop with amazement, it was like the curtain was rising up getting the show started. A flick of the power button and it said hi to me. "Well GOOD AFTERNOON to you mister Michael Angelo M. Pareja, what a pleasant day today isn't it?" said the laptop. In my amazement, I said, "Oh dear laptop of mine, art thou the best thing that has gazed upon my breathing soul. I kiss thee with glee my fellow love." By that time I called her, LiSA, short for Laptop is SO AWESOME. But deep inside my happy face, My Superego was saying that there is something wrong. The first thing that came inside my brain was the book The Shallows. It feels like everything that I learned in the book were diving into my head. But, I know how to handle it though, so it did not bother me that much. What a great day that was. Now that I have my own laptop, I can do my Webassign, Listverse, Blogger, Hulu, and if there is time Failblog and memebase wherever and whenever I want.

Random Video of the day

Listen for a second, where did it drift you?
