Monday, March 14, 2011

Connection: Lit Circle Books

ADJACENT POSSIBLE, adjacent possible,  adjacent possible is a door where one could use and go to many places with the help of its imagination- if one tries. That is one of Addie's main point in her book/reading. What's the connection between her reading and mine? I have lots and lots of adjacent possible, too much that its making our brain overflow- too much is not a great thing though.

Yes I have no grudge against the adjacent possible, Heaven's no, it's just that I hate the people who over use it. Over using something is not a good thing ya' know. Like what I wrote, or Mr. Carr wrote, people are getting dumber as we rely more and more to our Internet. Addie's blog also talks about the other mediums, but in The Shallows? Those other mediums becomes either obsolete or slowly inherited by the internet, forcing the adjacent possible in those mediums to go into the void too. The Television (We can now search movies on Demand, browse the Net, and others! Furthermore, you don't even have to buy a T.V., you can just watch it in your computer, thanks to the Internet), News (Yahoo NEWS, The Chicago Tribune, Time Magazine,etc. they are in the computer now! We can now bomb the printing company, thanks to the Internet), radio (you can check out the live broadcast in your computer without the hassle to buy a radio, thanks to the internet), and books (Kindle is pretty bad*ss, you can go to links, surf the net, check out your e-mail, facebook, buy stuff in e-bay, WOAH WOAH WOAH wait a minute, its not a book anymore huh? thanks to the Internet) are some of the mediums that the internet has slowly, but surely, being taken away. When we combine everything, it is but a big pile of distraction, but, is there any ANY possibility that they are all in one big present? The Internet man, the internet. But how do we work with this medium is a thing that we must change. Others work with this adjacent possible in a good way, like Addie pointed out in her blog, people in Egypt congregate using the Net. I'm proud of them, I'm proud of them.

If I read her book deeper, I would have written more. But, even though that the old adjacent possible starts to rot away, new ones are emerging. But please, If anyone/someone/all of us/you are so suck up in the internet, go! GO! and grasp the other adjacent possible that this world, mother nature, can give you. There are a lot of them, also, you would also get inspiration- inspiration is (maybe) one of the mean of adjacent possible.

Random Video of the day

I forgot what he was trying to say   (0 O.')



Sunday, March 13, 2011

Captured Thought: OOOOH! that's why

Go find it dude

"...If you would make me choose between the internet or the book, I will choose the book", why in God's name would he say that? I mean, the Internet has a vast amount of knowledge that was once unreachable by any man in the world! A book is so darn boring that I can't even stand sitting on my chair with a book on my hand, bright lights that surround me, and a distracted brain not knowing the big claims of the author- BECAUSE IT IS SOOO BOORING! Then comes a book name The Shallows: What the Hell is the Internet doing to our BRAIN. It made me think twice about the things that I appreciate toward the Internet, and, his answer.

The Shallows  by Nicholas Carr is a novel about how the internet affects our cognitive thinking and how it affect our plastic/physical brain itself. In the reading, he explained how we rely more on the fact that we use the Internet, Google, as a "becoming" primary source of knowledge more than our precious biological brain of ours. A useless brain is a dumb brain! To be honest, I use Google whenever I want to know a question in webassign rather than using the book to gather information. The thing that I notice is that, whenever I find the answer in the Net, for some reason, I would forget the answer or it's concept- The concept is what we are really looking for in Physics, which I am lacking of. I head to a different question and then search then next question then search then next question then search, AND THEN, when I finish my webassign I would get an A, but, did I learn something... No. Yes, yes, yes, I get an A to my webassing, but, at the day of the test, for some (not) MAGICAL reason, I sometimes (ALWAYS) get a low B- I am guilty in charge. But when I read a book, it totally helps man! When I was in Bio, even a half of an hour reading the book gave me a straight A! GEEZUS. Nicholas Carr explained that, when we kept on using our brain (exercising the brain) the brain becomes sharper and smarter, like what the book is helping our brain- it forces the brain to work out and be focus.

Another thing about the internet is that distractions around it. Nicholas Carr also explained that in the book; The fact that multimedia distracts us when we read an article in the Net takes us away from our reading, from our gathering of  knowledge/ideas. He post different quotes of psychologists in the book that made experiments involving people reading without and with multimedia/distraction. In the course of the experiment, people with multimedia moves away to the topic that they were assigned to, they some times click to links that, sometimes, doesn't have any relevance to the topic- other than that, some of the were checking out their  e-mail, facebook, skyping, but, a small percent in the group totally gets into the topic (which has a chance to counter the fact that multimedia really is a distraction). Furthermore, rather than moving away to our reading, we now read in a different way than we used to- we now read in an F pattern rather than reading in a linear way, from left to right. F is for fast but also fail. We read from left to right in the beginning, and then, we skim down and pretend that we now know what we have read. What the Hell was that man! Use your darn brain for God sake. I started to not learn anything when I read in that fashion, specially when I combine the multimedia and the "F" reading pattern.

I think that he was right, Internet really is somewhat of a bad thing. Books keep us concentrated, more Yes, it takes us away from our custom learning and makes us dumb with it's "distractions", but every light casts a shadow, there are good stuff that the internet gives us too ya' know? Like mails, entertainments, and more- it makes our life a little easier. Yeah, what else, oh yeah, let us use the technology wisely my young Jedi... wisely.

Random Video of the day

Forget College! I wanna be a Pokemon Master!


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Shallows (Juggler's Brain, On the Bouyancyof IQ scores, The Church of Googles)

Google founders (Larry Page, Sergey Brin & me) 
In the reading, it talks about how we read a book versus the way we read (skim) on the articles in the Net- In the book, we read in a traditional way (deep reading) in a line pattern, but, when we read an article in the Net we read in an F pattern, reading from left to right then looks down. It also talks about the Hyperlinks and how it distracts us when we are reading an article for we tend to “curiously” tap on that link to , well, learn more stuff, but, it takes us away from our reading.  In the Google chapter, it has blown me away when just these two ambitious guys started to make something out of something, and with that, they wanted to change the world by making the world’s biggest library or center of ideas. But, the best part is when they were trying to make the world’s first A.I. which is another big leap for mankind (that’s two now, well that’s three, the other one was when I was born).
“’The ultimate search engine is something as smart as people- or smarter’” (172) is one of the quotes in the book that gives us a mental glimpse of what the 22nd century looks like (I bet).  Google is going to set another leap to the future as they are/might make the first ever real live A.I. to whom we could converse with,  to play with (maybe some green thoughts), and specially to take over the stuff that we don’t like to be in (family reunions, I guess). The good thing about it is that, we can now extend our scientific intelligence by putting these A.I. to places that we cannot be (e.g.  Mars, Ocean depths, volcanoes, places where man has not stepped on). Well it’s not just about science you know, we can have a social interaction with them and may replace dogs as Man’s (woman’s) best friend. As Fusoya in Final Fantasy 4 says it “Light casts darkness…” what I mean is that there are bad stuff that might happen when we have this A.I. running around the streets. They might have an attitude and could hurt people, If they ran out of batteries, short circuits, they may take over our jobs,  or they might even take over the world- But I guess that those things may not happen, if we are careful.

Video of the Blog

where does google go to when they need to know something?

