Sunday, September 26, 2010

Metacognition: Inspirations

Ideas start in an inspiration, well, that's what I think. Different person has different ideas to what they do. They use music, an idol, a person, a poetry, a video, a joke, story, poetry, internet, and/or any single thing that your mind could possibly think in our abstract and crazy world as an Inspiration. My mind work according to inspirations that I get in my every day life.

When I start an essay, my mind is somewhere playing hide-and-seek. My playful mind laugh at me as I stare at the computer,  not even caring about the time, the temperature, or even if the house is in danger of some sort. I think and I think but nothing comes out. I can not even lift my hand and press a darn button. Every beginning is such a pain especially when I do not even know what to write: like right now, before I started this essay I researched the meaning of "Metacognition", because every time I write the word there is a red squiggly line that comes right under it assuming that I or YOU made a mistake. It is really hard for me to write an essay without inspiration, because I as the eldest son that have two brothers and a sister, can not concentrate for they seem to enjoy their anger to each other, as they scream around the house like we do not have any neighbors around. But all that change after I find my inspiration to write. Inspiration keeps me focus on my writing. It keeps me coming back. Also, along with inspiration, there is something that also keeping me to write. It is the positive energy around the house. For some reason, when I smile while writing an essay, it keeps me awake and optimistic. I am optimistic because maybe I could get an outstanding score while having fun writing an essay.

My inspiration to write this essay is the word INSPIRATION itself. It is the abbreviation of "Ideas Nailing Special Process of Imagination in Random Attention Toward Innovative Optical Non-sense", I just made that up. Without inspiration maybe I might not have made my other essays or blog posts before. Maybe without it, I might still be confuse or out of concentration. Thank you inspiration.

Random video of the day

Sunday, September 19, 2010

BEST OF THE WEEK: College essay

Our future is one of the most important thing in our life. But there is something that is blocking us to college and our future- College Essay. Two big words that can make your eyes pop, fingers sweat, and your brain wanting to go to the bathroom. We all know that excessive training, planning and thinking is needed to accomplish this mission. People say that we must brace ourselves for a roller coaster ride of our lifetime. I over exaggerate. Thank goodness that God or Jesus gave us a beloved, fair, outstanding, and friendly person that can fill the void inside our head- teachers.

Yes, Mr. Allen totally broke the ice during the week. The letter that he wanted us to make at the first day of class was a part of his plan. He was so smart to not tell us that the essay the we wrote was the idea that many colleges would like to see. The trick was to make it personal. Personal as if that we are telling them a story about who we really are, for them to see our weaknesses and strength, but also, for them to find out that we are trustworthy for the college's family. It's like trying to trust a person before becoming a friend. It was complex but yet simple at the same time.

Inside the letter that I wrote for him was about me hating the song "American Pie". In the letter, I wrote that I dislike the way my uncle sing the song when we were there. I wrote many things about my perception toward the music that were like that song. But there was something that  Mr. Allen said about the letter that he wanted to emphasize. It was the turning point of the idea in the letter. My turning point was when I study music in music school. I wrote that the first song that my teacher thought us was the  "American Pie". It change the way I think about the song.

My classmates had better story than I have written, I guess. But the thing about college essay is relaxing, planning, and writing-obviously. Thank goodness that we have teacher or/and advisers that can help us in times that they are needed. They are like heroes that people like me who looks up to them. Thanks to them we can break the wall of tomorrow.

random picture of the day

Every Blog that I post will have a random picture or video.
It may be funny, serious, creative or anything.
This will depicts the way I think of the day or week.
For example, today is a fun day so the picture that I post is funny.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Connection: Games of Reality

We all laugh as we watch other players die in the game. The killing streaks, weaponry, and graphics of course. It is a modern way of "having fun". But, is there a big difference between real battle and games? When this kids who plays games like "Call of Duty" grows up, it might affect their human psychology and kill people when they grow up.

It has been nine years since 9/11 happened in America. That incident led the people in America to avenge the people or love once that died in that incident. The world was in a stand still as the twin tower tremble down, while the people beneath the mist of hatred weeps and hopes for a new day. Authors write essays to show their anger to the people that did this to them. In just a brink of second the tower has kissed the ground. As the fight goes on in Iraq, thousands of lives are wasted every minute. Love ones that can never be seen again. 

The games that the children play today can have a big impact to them when they grow up. But in a positive way, war games give us strategies and coordination with our teammates. Also, the way we see 3D graphics of the game makes our mind more complicated. In games, different situation can be handled with different approaches.

I played a lot of shooting games when I was a kid. Games can be relevant to our reality. The tricky thing is, is that, to no take our game out of the console. Yes there is a lot of differences about the real world and games, but putting it into the extreme can be dangerous.

Call of Duty

War in Iraq

Thursday, September 9, 2010

What if: Cultural shows never existed

Back when I was a freshman in Philippines, we had this field trip to a cultural show somewhere in Manila. We took the train first then the bus. It was a hot 1 hour long trip to get there, and my friends kept on complaining for an AC. I smiled. When we got there, it was nice and breezy, and we also realized that the theater was so big! The person that we talked to told us that it was not just a theater, but also its a museum about cultural paintings and sculptures. When the show started, I have no clue what they were doing.

I have never thought that my ancestors danced this dance long before I was born. Dance such as Tinikling, Maglalatik, Cariñosa, Pandango sa Ilaw, and others, surprised me for I thought that some of this dances never exist. The first dance was Tinikling. This dance and Cariñosa were the only dances that I know. Tinikling was known as our national folk dance where a pair of dancers hop between two bamboo poles which were pound together by two person during the music. It's a hard dance because you have to time the music and try not to get hit by the bamboos. Trust me, I have done that before and the bamboo poles hit my leg hard. But this guys know what they were doing. They were swinging and dancing and moving through the flow of music. The coordination was outstanding, but I guess it's because of long practice and passion for dancing. The crowd clapped after the dance. The next dance was Maglalatik. They said that it was a mock-war dance where male dancers wear coconut harnesses on their chest, back, thighs and hips, and pound it along the rhythm of music. It was awesome. The males that were wearing red trousers were showing off their skills and then the blue-trouser-wearing guys showed off their skill too. The sound of the banging coconuts with the music was awesome, and the choreography was also nice too. But honestly, this was my least favorite because of the way they look, but I guess they were mocking each other, I guess. Next was Cariñosa. This was my all time favorite. The dancers were both male and female. Think about prom, but old fashioned. I danced this when I was a kid and I had my first crush because of this. Anyways, this dance was performed in a flirtatious manner while holding a fan (for girls) and holding a handkerchief (for guys). It was a hide-and-seek movement which was funny, because in this dance ladies were playing hard to get, but they end up with their partner, happily ever after. There was a lot after that but all that I can say was that the show was magnificent. 

If the cultural shows never exist I bet that I would feel incomplete. I bet that without it I would never have a scar on my leg or passion for art- because that was one of many days that I fell in love with art- or my first crush- well not that part. But without cultural shows, what or who would remind us the dances and cultural sculptures and pictures now? Nobody, because many of us now are more thrilled in our modern day-to-day life: technology now is rushing trough our veins, social activities are done through internet, and sadly there would be less things that would inspire us. And some of us might not feel content with their life. It's a nice thing that some of us still do this dances that reminds us our ancestor's life. If I had enough money back then, I bet that I would be thrilled by the rhythm of their music.

Here is a link for Tinikling and Cariñosa.
Tinikling: Advance.